What is a “good love”? According to Singaporean actress Tan Kheng Hua, “good love”, over and above ordinary love, is what we get when we are “with people who can bring out the best in us”. And indeed, the Ambassador for Pink Dot 2010 believes that “good love” can help forge stronger people, resilient families and societies.

The prominent actress, who is also a mother, thinks this year’s Pink Dot theme – Family – is an apt one, as she firmly believes that family support is a vital part of life. “Relationships within the family should never be underestimated,” she said, adding that it is ultimately our relationships at home that will affirm who we are as people, and as a community.

She stressed, “The impact that family members have, whether or not the relationships are acrimonious or harmonious, can impact the subconscious in complex ways. In good or in bad times, you should always be able to go back to where you began, which is the family.”

Kheng Hua strives to be as supportive a person to her family and friends as possible. For people who have no access to such support, she feels that the community can play an important role to integrate differences in society. Community, to her, no matter how small, can shape perspectives, ideas and self-worth.

“Having people around you, especially people who bring out good things in you, will reinforce what’s good about you. When you are with them, you like the person that you are.”

Likewise, she hopes that Pink Dot 2010 will give a “good feeling” to all participants involved. The idea of coming together to ‘Make Pink Dot’ may sound simple, but, in her own words: “Don’t underestimate that”.