PinkDot is a platform that celebrates the Freedom to Love, regardless of whether you are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender or Straight. We are made up of a group of straight and gay volunteers who care deeply about the place LGBT Singaporeans call home.

In 2009, 2,500 people came to support the Freedom to Love. This year, we hope to make Pink Dot bigger!

Pink Dot is back this year, at Hong Lim Park, on 15 May 2010 – the International Day of Families.

We are looking for performers and performing troupes above 18 years of age for the second Pink Dot, and would like to invite artistes who are keen on supporting Pink Dot to audition for:

  • Main performance slots (4-6 acts). (We’d be particularly ecstatic if you’re a cheerleading team or marching band)
  • Strolling performers such as jugglers, stilt-walkers, illusionists, etc.

Please let us know if you are willing to participate/perform pro bono. This doesn’t guarantee a performance slot, but it is very valuable in making Pink Dot a reality. Otherwise, all selected artistes will be paid a performance stipend.

Date: 17 April 2010, Saturday
Time: 1 – 4 pm
Venue: Fly Entertainment, 213 Henderson Road, Henderson Industrial Park, #01-02/11

To register for auditions, please email us with your name, IC no. and contact details (i.e. mobile number). Please also provide a brief summary of your performance. Submissions will be accepted until 15 April.

Email us, too, with further queries – we’ll get back to you asap.

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