Let’s rally together for Pink Dot 16!
As Pink Dot 16 approaches, we'll need your support to rally and amplify LGBTQ+ voices, advocate for change in Singapore and celebrate the freedom to love. A big shout-out to…
As Pink Dot 16 approaches, we'll need your support to rally and amplify LGBTQ+ voices, advocate for change in Singapore and celebrate the freedom to love. A big shout-out to…
A message from Ho Kwon Ping, Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings, on supporting Pink Dot and the Red Dot for Pink Dot sponsorship drive. Visit reddotforpinkdot.com for more info. by Ho…
Last year, 120 local companies stepped forward to support Pink Dot when 13 multinational companies were told they could no longer do so following an amendment of rules (pertaining to…
A message from Darius Cheng, CEO of 99.co on, on setting up and leading the Red Dot for Pink Dot sponsorship drive. Visit reddotforpinkdot.com for more info. by Darius Cheung…
Pink Dot, exemplified by our tagline “Supporting the Freedom to Love”, has never detracted from its message of inclusion and diversity, of embracing and welcoming everyone regardless of their race,…
The following is a list of fuchsia and coral sponsors as part of the ‘Red Dot for Pink Dot’ campaign. The current total tally of local sponsors stands at 116. For…
A new campaign Red Dot for Pink Dot, which was initiated and led by a diverse group of Singaporean entrepreneurs, was launched on Sunday, March 26, with 50 Singaporean-owned companies onboard…
"We are very extremely grateful and touched by this effort from the local business community. Pink Dot SG has received a lot of love and support from our sponsors over…
Pink Dot SG started off first and foremost as a platform on which values of inclusion and diversity are celebrated, and over the years this has only strengthened with the…
Headlining sponsors Established as one of the global leaders in Internet products and services, Google is acknowledged as the first corporate sponsor for Pink Dot SG, having come on board…
A new height of 21,000 people came together to celebrate ‘Home’, carpeting Speaker’s Corner at Hong Lim Park with iridescent pink lights. Singapore, June 29, 2013 – Marking its milestone…
Growing Support for the Freedom to Love CooperVision, J.P. Morgan, PARKROYAL and The Gunnery join Google and Barclays to lead Pink Dot’s list of corporate and community supporters for 2013…
We'd like to give a shout out to the special people who have supported Pink Dot with their heartfelt generosity! Thank you for making Pink Dot a heartwarming, happy-bellied party…
We whooped for joy when we found out earlier this year that corporate giants like Barclays were going to stand up for and stand behind Pink Dot, which campaigns for…
For Immediate Release First Night Pink Dot brightens up with more corporate support Google and Barclays have pledged their support for the freedom to love Singapore, 14 June 2012 –…
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