SINGAPORE, 08 June 2011 – Pink Dot SG today announced Google Singapore is supporting Pink Dot 2011 on 18 June 2011. On this day, Singaporeans will, for the third year running, gather at Hong Lim Park to form a human pink dot in support of the belief that everyone deserves the freedom to love.
Pink Dot 2011 marks the first time that such an international company has publicly supported Pink Dot and its values. Google Singapore has pledged sponsorship to the event, highlights of which will include a concert with comedic trio Dim Sum Dollies, Broadway Beng Sebastian Tan, Jill Marie Thomas and dance group Voguelicious.
“We are heartened and very humbled that international players such as Google Singapore are making a clear stand on embracing diversity through their support of Pink Dot 2011. Many in Singapore’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community feel they are unable to be open about their sexuality for fear of discrimination and prejudice. Google Singapore’s support of Pink Dot 2011 and its inclusive values is an important step in promoting a non-discriminatory environment and improving the lives of the Singapore’s LGBT community”, says Pink Dot spokesperson Rebecca Ling.
Organised by a pool of Singaporean volunteers, Pink Dot campaigns for diversity, inclusiveness, and aims to foster understanding for the basic human need to love and be loved, regardless of one’s sexual orientation.
Google Singapore’s support of Pink Dot 2011 follows prior contributions by Asia’s largest gay and lesbian network,, which provided funds as well as donated manpower to support the events’ branding, website and other related components, since Pink Dot’s inception in 2009.
Supporting events like Pink Dot 2011 are reflective of the Google Singapore’s efforts to create a workplace that embraces diversity and offers equal treatment of all staff, regardless of race, religion and sexual orientation. Google’s LGBT staff, known as Gayglers, regularly organise events and talks to promote awareness and discussion of LGBT issues within the company.
“As a company, we are passionate about diversity and inclusivity at the workplace regardless of race, religion and sexual orientation. Supporting Pink Dot 2011 demonstrates our commitment to these inclusive values. We are proud to be the first international company to officially support Pink Dot 2011 and hope that more will publicly support the development of an open, diverse and inclusive work environment”, said Ann Lavin, Google Southeast Asia’s Head of Policy & Government Affairs.