Save the Date for Singapore’s first-ever NIGHT Pink Dot 2012!

Singapore, April 6, 2012 – On June 30, 2012, Singaporeans will, for the fourth year running, gather at Hong Lim Park to form a human pink dot in support of the belief that everyone deserves the freedom to love, regardless their sexual orientation.
This year, organisers have planned something extra special – Pink Dot 2012 will take place at sunset, for the first time in its history culminating in the formation of a pink dot of shimmering torches, light sticks and glowing mobile phones, in the first hours of darkness.
“Having a Pink Dot formed at night makes for a dramatic message of inclusivity and acceptance – a celebration of unity in diversity that emphasises our shared belief in the Freedom to Love, “ said Pink Dot spokesperson Paerin Choa.

Pink Dot 2012 is also proud to announce its Ambassadors, personalities who need no further introduction – actor-comedian-diva extraordinaire Kumar, former actress and City Beat host Sharon Au, and multi-talented actor Lim Yu-Beng, in a special announcement video that will be unveiled tonight.

The inaugural Pink Dot event in 2009, saw 2,500 people in attendance. In 2010, this figure nearly doubled to 4,000, while Pink Dot 2011 saw its largest turnout yet – more than 10,000 people thronged Hong Lim Park in a strong show of support.

So please, SAVE THE DATE:


WHERE: Hong Lim Park

WHEN: Saturday, June 30, 2012

WHAT TO BRING: Pink lights!

WHAT TO WEAR: Of course, PINK!

TIMINGS: Activities commence 5.30pm, Concert begins at 6.30pm, Dot is formed at 7.30pm, or when it is sufficiently dark

*Please note: According to the park’s terms and conditions, only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may participate at the events held at Hong Lim Park. However, foreigners are most welcome to watch and observe.