Singapore, June 14, 2014 – Singapore-born, Taiwan-based singer-songwriter Stefanie Sun (孙燕姿) has declared her support for Pink Dot 2014, which is set to take place on Saturday, June 28, 2014, at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park.


In a heart-warming 20-second video posted on YouTube and shared on Facebook and other social media platforms, Stefanie said in Mandarin, “Being able to find true love, is one of life’s happiest things.”

Since being posted on Thursday, June 12, the video has already garnered more than 3,500 views on YouTube, received more than 370 ‘Likes’ on Facebook and shared over 130 times.

“Stefanie Sun is an artiste who needs no introduction, and is arguably one of Singapore’s most successful singers to have made it onto the international stage. We are greatly thrilled to have her support, and ecstatic to be able to present this video to all her fans who also celebrate the Freedom to Love with us,” said Pink Dot Sg Spokesperson, Paerin Choa.

View Stefanie’s video on YouTube
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About Pink Dot Sg
Pink Dot Sg is a non-profit movement started by a group of individuals who care deeply about the place that LGBT Singaporeans call home. Why Pink? Because it is a blend of red and white – the colour of Singapore’s flag. It is also the colour of our national identification cards. More importantly, Pink Dot Sg stands for a Singapore in which all Singaporeans, regardless of their sexual orientation, are free to love and be loved.

2,500 people supported this cause in 2009. In 2010, this nearly doubled to 4,000. In 2011, over 10,000 participants turned up, growing to 15,000 in 2012. In 2013, over 21,000 supporters helped turn Hong Lim Park into a sea of shimmering pink lights – the largest number of Singaporeans and permanent residents turning up to-date. This consistently ranks Pink Dot as the largest gathering since the inception of the Speaker’s Corner in 2000.