Under changes to the Public Order Act (in November 2016), ONLY Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are permitted to assemble at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park. As such, ID and security checks will be performed at entry points to the park.
For the safety of everyone, there will be security checks conducted at all entry points, including checks on photo IDs and bags. Be it pink or blue NRIC, passport, 11B, driving license or even student concession card, remember to bring the physical card with you. Come early to avoid long queues and to enjoy a meaningful day out at Pink Dot!
To help avoid long queues, minimise and consolidate your belongings and picnic items; and avoid bringing sharp and/or pointed objects. Most importantly, bring enough water to prevent dehydration, and food to last you (and your friends) till 8.30pm. Those who leave the barricaded area will be subject to the same ID and security checks as when they entered. However re-entry is not guaranteed should the park reach maximum capacity.
If you are transgender, gender non-conforming, coming in drag or are concerned that your appearance does not match your photo ID, our security officers have been briefed to handle this sensitively and appropriately. Otherwise, please approach one of our friendly volunteers for assistance.
If you have kept the pink torches from our past editions, bring them along! If not, a simple pink cellophane sheet stuck over a regular torch or smartphone can also do. There will be pink vinyl stickers given out at the event too – keep an eye out for it!
At the Accessibility Zone, there will be Pink Dot volunteers who can readily provide assistance to our deaf friends and those in wheelchairs. For the shortest and easiest access to the Accessibility Zone, please use Gate 2.