Pink Dot 11 Ambassadors: Preeti Nair (Preetipls), Beatrice Chia-Richmond and Subhas Nair

Beatrice Chia-Richmond
Beatrice is an accomplished actor and director. We have seen her on film, television and theatre. She has also lent her talents and vision as Creative Director for large scale events like the National Day Parade and the Southeast Asian Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies. This year, she steps up to add her voice to the Pink Dot Movement.

“In some of the work that I do, I’ve had the opportunity to work with the national narrative. In this national narrative, the key word over the last few years has been “inclusivity.” However, when it comes to LGBTQ people in our national narrative, I think that has yet to come. It is difficult for me to accept a world, a country, a home where my LGBTQ friends feel unaccepted, discriminated against, or worst still, made to feel embarrassed of who they are.”

Preeti Nair (Preetipls)
Preeti Nair, better known as Preetipls, has made waves as a viral internet sensation with content that parodies and pokes fun at more serious topics such as ‘racial harmony’ in Singapore and the misrepresentation of minority races in local media. Her use of humour to discuss tough social issues has paved the way for Preetipls to be known as “Singapore’s Satirical Internet Queen”. Offline, Preetipls saw her debut stand-up comedy show with Dream Academy’s Happy Ever Laughter 2018. No stranger to discrimination herself, Preeti joins the fight against it as an ambassador for Pink Dot 11.

“I can’t say I understand how it [discrimination] feels like for a member of the LGBTQ community, but I know that it hurts because I understand discrimination in the form of body shaming and racism. I strongly believe in the Freedom to Love and I believe in speaking up for members of the LGBTQ community who experience discrimination every single day.”

Subhas Nair
Subhas was always clear that a lifetime of serving those in power was not for him. As such, after graduation from Yale-NUS, he chose to apply his urban studies background and express himself through rap music. Sensitive to the realities on the ground in Singapore; his music focuses on the minority; the marginalised. As an ally and ambassador at Pink Dot 11, he stands against the discrimination of the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore.

“There are groups of people who have been systematically excluded from the Singapore narrative. As a Singaporean, I believe I have the power and the duty to do something about that. There is institutionalised discrimination in Singapore that needs to be addressed. As allies, we must be ready to call it out and demand action towards justice for all.”