March 30, 2020

Pink Dot SG is deeply disappointed that despite significant progress in the acceptance of LGBTQ people, the second wave of constitutional challenges against Section 377A has been dismissed.

The Court’s ruling effectively upholds, entrenches and continues the discrimination of a minority group. This undermines Singapore’s values of community, respect for the individual, and the very fabric of our multicultural and diverse nation.

The colonial-era law, which criminalises consensual sex between men, has long been weaponised against sexual minorities. Through its trickle-down effects, Section 377A has been used to justify the discriminatory treatment of LGBTQ+ Singaporeans in areas such as housing and immigration. It has also rendered the community invisible in areas like the media, the workplace and education. While the repeal of Section 377A would not have been a panacea for all of these problems, it would have been a milestone—a significant step toward building a more equal and inclusive society.

Johnson Ong, Roy Tan and Bryan Choong have bravely stood forward with their legal teams to challenge this unjust law on behalf of our community. We urge everyone, including our allies, to continue the good fight for a more equal and inclusive Singapore.

Please join us in taking a stand against discrimination by lighting up your homes and workplaces in pink on 27 June 2020 at 6:30pm.