Official Pink Dot SG Statement
Close to 20,000 Singaporeans and Permanent Residents turned up at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park to send a strong and illuminating message of inclusion and diversity in celebration of Pink Dot SG’s 9th edition with a scintillating rainbow amidst a sea of pink. In order to stay in line with amendments to the Public Order Act, organisers, for the first time, have had to setup barricades and security checkpoints to ensure that only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are able to participate in this rally in support of the Freedom to Love, regardless of race, language, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Pink Dot SG spokesperson, Paerin Choa said, “Despite the barriers that have been placed in front of us, we are immensely grateful for the massive support Singapore has shown which we feel reflects a turning point in attitudes towards the LGBT community within the greater Singapore fabric. Even with this restricted space that limits Singapore’s true propensity for love, we feel that we have taken yet another important step in achieving true equality for all Singaporeans.”

“We would like to thank all Singaporeans and PRs who waited in queue and for those who were unfortunately unable to enter the park due to overcapacity – we are greatly heartened by your show of support.”

Official Photo of Pink Dot 2017
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Our 120 Local Sponsors from the Red Dot For Pink Dot Campaign
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Our Pink Dot 2017 Concert Lineup
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Our Pink Dot 2017 Community Voices Speakers
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Our Official Statements
– on the ASAS incident
Our Media Launch Event Press Kit
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